Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Write a post, a personal post, on any topic(s) of your choosing.

A topic that really interests me is the shootings that has been going on in the past few years. There has been more than 74 school shootings. 900 mass shootings in the past seven years. It really interests me because there has been many violence with one another. People should help each other not destroy each other. People who do school shootings have to deal with "bullying". Which doesn't make since at all weather someone have that much rage over each other to kill one another. They should promote more laws against violence and have more world peace. We have had more killings than will ever have as a natural death or a disease. We promote violence on what we see on television. It just doesn't make since to just wake up one morning and decide to kill 90 people all at once. Everyone should have the right to live as long as they want to just because someone decided that they couldn't talk out there feelings instead they kill others so that they could get a satisfactory out of it.

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